A day in Port Orchard

Port Orchard is a small town right on Sinclair Inlet. I imagine that in times past it was a charming waterfront community, with docks, marinas, boatyards, and lots and lots of boats. In recent years, the downtown area has fallen into neglect as businesses have moved away. The marinas are all gated and locked so they’re inaccessible to the public. The old boatyards are defunct because they don’t meet environmental guidelines. So there’s not as much for the painter to paint.

On Tuesday I spent the day prowling around the waterfront searching for good subjects to paint. I made 6 or 8 pencil sketches before deciding to paint an old shack on pilings. It’s surrounded by new development, but I guess they left it as a “picturesque” part of the past. Anyway, it’s a good subject.
