I found a watercolor by Carles Pellejero that I liked and made a copy of it. I like the looseness of it and the lost edges, especially where the bottom of the building merges into the street. The figures were merely suggestions but they read clearly.

I also made a watercolor of three guys on a road crew. A few weeks ago, I took a photo of them shoveling gravel out of a truck as it moved slowly along the shoulder. Uploaded this to 30x30directwatercolor on Facebook and IG. 30x30directwatercolor is an online group that paints a direct watercolor every day and shares it with the group. Direct watercolor means drawing directly with the brush, without pencil lines. It’s a great way to improve your watercolor skills.

I really like these, Bill, both of them. I was curious to see the original Carlos Pellejero watercolor, found his website and several of his blogs, but couldn’t find this particular one. But I found lots of others to lose myself in!
I got the idea he lives in Barcelona. I’m going to send links to Noah. Maybe they’ll run into each other!
Thanks, Steve. Isn’t it fun to look at the huge variety of art work on the internet? The original (which I should have linked in the blog post) is at
Looking at his website, it looks like he does live in Barcelona: