Stormy skies

For my watercolor class assignment last week, I painted a series of watercolors with stormy skies, inspired by our winter weather. I began by painting some wind-tossed trees, and I liked the watercolor a lot. Unfortunately, it suffered from the beginner’s mistake of painting objects in an even row, with no variation in spacing. So for my next attempts, I separated the trees on two sides of the painting and added a barn and some cows to give a sense of scale. I first made a black-and-white watercolor, on the suggestion of our teacher, then I made several color versions.

First attempt. I like the looseness of the trees and the way they bend in the wind. The skies are blustery and spattered.
My one-color version, again nice and loose.
I didn’t intend to have a warm yellow sky above the mountains, but that’s the way it turned out. The trees are stiffer.
I had intended to paint a soft background of trees behind the water, but I ended up with a hard line of dark trees.