The marsh at Shine Tidelands

At first sight, Shine Tidelands State Park is not very impressive. Just off the West end of the Hood Canal Bridge, a rutted gravel road takes you to a neglected rest area next to a windswept beach where one or two figures hunched against the wind are walking their dogs.

But it made a good subject for a painting last Friday. Wrapped up against the cold and blustery day, I made a small plein air painting of the marsh that lies between the beach and the bluff. I’d never noticed this marsh before, but once I really looked at the scene, it popped out at me. I painted it pink to emphasize it.

Later, back in the studio, I expanded this small painting into a full-size 16 x 20 inch watercolor. I’m going to submit this pair of paintings into the Winter Show of Plein Air Washington Artists. Here is the full-size painting with the smaller plein air painting below it.

The marsh at Shine Tidelands State Park, 16 x 20 inches
Plein air painting of the marsh at Shine Tidelands State Park, 7 x 11 inches

4 thoughts on “The marsh at Shine Tidelands”

    1. Thanks, Warren. I’m hopeful that I’ll be juried into the show, but they say different judges have different preferences, so you never know. I imagine it will be one of few watercolors that are submitted (most will be oil paintings), so that may give me an edge.

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