Stumbling around in the marsh

Estuary near Belfair, WA

I’m getting to know all the estuaries of Puget Sound in my area. Estuaries are the places where fresh water from creeks and streams meet the salt water of the Sound. They’re rich in plant life, and fish, birds and mammals thrive in them.

Aesthetically, they’re pleasing to the eye because of the light reflecting off the water and the varied vegetation and interesting land shapes like coves and inlets. Besides that, they’re usually free of human beings so I can paint undisturbed. I love estuaries!

A few days ago I drove Southwest of Belfair to investigate the tide flats. After some poking around, I found a duck hunters’ trail to a duck blind out on the tide flats. There weren’t any hunters, so I stumbled around the marsh until I found a good vantage point. The marsh grasses are thick and uneven, so walking is difficult. It was chilly and gray, but I was dressed warmly. My watercolor washes weren’t drying, so I took the painting back to the car and dried it off with the car heater, then I walked back to my easel and continued. When I got home, I added more texture to the grass in the foreground and some details in the middle ground.

6 thoughts on “Stumbling around in the marsh”

    1. Yes, I’m trying to figure out how to do detail that looks realistic. As an impressionistic painter, I don’t want a lot of detail, but the detail in the painting should be believable.

  1. Ii also love estuaries., especially places like Jenner, where the river is pushing against the incoming ocean. This watercolor shows so beautifully the marsh estuary. Love it!
    I forget the name of the woman in Florence, from the college, who was an estuarine . I took a class of hers, and determined that in my next life that is what I would be!

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