The Egg and I Farm

The Egg and I Farm

In 1945, Betty McDonald wrote a very popular book called “The Egg and I,” based on her life on a chicken farm near Port Townsend. In the book, she describes her neighbors quite colorfully, which they did not appreciate once they found out about the book. Lawsuits followed and snarled the book in controversy for decades. The name of the book lives on in Port Townsend businesses such as a bar named “The Keg and I”.

There’s actually a road called “The Egg and I Road,” and a farm named “The Egg and I Farm.” It’s nestled below a line of trees with pastures below, quite a lovely scene. I took a photo of the farm and made series of paintings from it. This is painting number seven.

For the trees I tried a new combination of colors. I started with a red and a blue (alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue), then added a yellow (transparent gold) to bring out the green of the foliage. I think the overall effect is good. The mist behind the buildings was unintentional, but I like the atmosphere it provides.

Here are some of my previous attempts. Click on an image to see the slide show.

8 thoughts on “The Egg and I Farm”

  1. There should be no controversy about these watercolors. I remember the book “The Egg and I” and now we have an addition to the literary history of this work. Your watercolors should be on display in Port Townsend.

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